We are coming for you!

Like driving rain in cold winter

Like swarms of a vengeful plague

Like a prey hunting its hunter

Like hordes of a spiteful rogue


We are coming for you!


We the “fortunate” victims of your existence

The vicious prey of your presence

We the lambs of gods; your licence

To impunity and innocence


We are coming for you!


We! Whom you yoked with vile “gifts”

In your holy tussle for power and success

Long enough have we bare your heinous burden

Your “gift” we come to return


We are coming for you!


We come; Aye we come to say NO!

To lords that ride on our spine

Taskmasters that work us to bone

And gods that take our blood for wine


We are coming for you!


We come, Aye! We come in heaps

Many as sands beneath great oceans

Not with cutlasses, guns or missiles

But wild eyes and empty bellies


We are coming for you!


Upon you and yours we come

Like furious invasion of famished locusts

Let those that seek justice return home

For our day of retribution awaits





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