Immune System

The Immune system is made of special organs, cells and chemicals that fight against disease and potentially damaging infections in the body. The main part of a person’s immune system that actively fights infection includes the whites blood cells, antibodies, the complement system, the thymus and the bone marrow. It is amazing to know that the immune system keeps track of every infection it has defeated and this helps it to swiftly destroy such infection if it regains access into the body. Infections like bacteria and fungi are easily dealt with by our immune system but Viruses pose more challenges. Due to the ability of viruses to mutate as well as the varying strains of these viruses, it’s usually difficult for the immune system to destroy them. For example, flu has to be tackled many times because the flu causing virus has many different strains which can cause the same illness.

As earlier stated, there are seven main parts of the immune system performing one function which is to protect and fight off illness causing infections that have gained access into the body. The white blood cells are key members of the immune system. Like a watchdog, the white blood cells constantly move through blood and tissues throughout the body. With one sole purpose which is to search and locate infections like bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi which are regarded as foreign and unknown invaders, once located, the white blood cell launches an immune attack.

The human body also produces toxins which are harmful to itself and this is where the antibodies, which is another member of the immune system, comes in. Once the antibodies identify these toxins as harmful to the body, it marks and ensures these antigens (toxins or infection) for destruction. The complement system, which is another part of the body’s immune system, is made up of proteins. Like its name connotes, it solely complements the work done by the antibodies. As a blood filtering organ, the spleen removes and destroys old damaged red blood cells which can pose serious danger to the body. The bone marrow which is found inside man’s bones produces the white blood cells needed to fight infections. The bone marrow also produces red blood cells which are needed by the body to transport oxygen as well as the platelets for blood clot once an opening or injury is detected.

When an individual is sick and running temperature, he or she begins to panic and fears the worse but what they do not know is that fever is part of the immune system tactics to destroy an infection. Once the body temperature rises, some infections are killed and then the body begins to repair itself. Though the immune system fights infections, they are also susceptible to diseases and this can be disastrous to the body. Like earlier pointed out, most viruses are difficult to destroy by the immune system hence the need for continuous treatment and strengthening of the immune system. For example, HIV attacks and weakens the immune system hence the need for antiretroviral drugs which are used to strengthen the immune system’s fight against the virus.

It is essential for an individual to boost his/her immune system which will then protect his/her body from infections. How then can we boost our immune system? This will be touched in our second part of this article.

Click here to read the part 2 of this article.

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[…] the 8th May, 2020, we published the first part of the series on understanding the immune system. Focus was placed on the need to understand the body’s immune system as well as know its […]