While it is not uncommon to celebrate the beginning of a new months, however, many a time we fail to realize that these new months also signifies the gradual demise of the year. Whether or not we realize it, 2019 is on its path to becoming history, and by now almost half of it is gone. For every goal, every plan, every intention, every aim or objective that is expected to be achieved this year, the time for action is now.

There is no better time than now to reflect on the goals that had been set for the year and to what extent each of them are being achieved. If you have been falling victim of procrastination, this is the time to paddle against the wind, this is the time to take up the challenge and do today what your mind says you should delay till tomorrow.

Thankfully, the controversial general elections as well as inaugurations are over and for each of the newly inaugurated servants of the public and those elected for second term, the clock had begun to click. The time for politics have elapsed and now it’s time for administrative action. It’s time to begin working towards making good of electoral promises.

Like the popular maxim suggests “make hay while the sun shines” the sun for 2019 is still burning bright and there is yet more than enough time to achieve whatever goal or objective written in your ‘new year resolution’. Nevertheless, you should know that the sun will not shine for ever, our time is definite and of course limited. Therefore, the time for action is NOW!

From fatherland gazette, we wish you a happy and active new month.


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