COVID-19 Pandemic and the Infodemics
The COVID-19 outbreak was like the strike of a match on a cotton field. As soon as the first case was identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, it spread …
COVID-19 Pandemic and the Infodemics Read MoreEXPLORING AFRICAN ART
The COVID-19 outbreak was like the strike of a match on a cotton field. As soon as the first case was identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, it spread …
COVID-19 Pandemic and the Infodemics Read MoreWhile Coronavirus might have had its origin traced back to the fall of 2019, it no doubt became a pandemic in February 2020, when it began to spread like wildfire …
The Quest for COVID-19 Vaccine in Africa Read MoreWhen the coronavirus pandemic began to take over Europe and America early this year, lots of public analyst and commentators predicted horrific tragedy for Africa. It was generally believed that …
How Africa Survived Coronavirus Pandemic Read MoreCan you imagine going to a bank, church or bar wearing a facemask 8 months ago? How do you think people would have looked at you? If it’s a bank, …
Corona Virus Pandemic: Embracing the New Normal Read MoreCan you remember how 2020 began? Perhaps you still remember waking up on the cold morning of January 1st to messages and calls from friends, families and loved ones wishing …
THE SECOND LAP OF 2020 Read MoreBy now, if you say you are not familiar with what Coronavirus or COVID 19 is, then you are not on this planet. Therefore, this pandemic has successfully shut down …
COVID 19: CAN NORMALCY RETURN? Read MoreThe primary purpose of every government should be centred around the citizenry but what we see is a bastardization of the major reason for the establishment of the institution called …
HOW EFFECTIVE IS THE FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19 IN NIGERIA? Read MoreHow did a health crisis translate to an economic crisis? Why did the spread of the Coronavirus bring the global economy to its knees? This has brought many economic researchers, …