Surviving The Lockdown

Since the turn of 2020 till date, countries have had to set up strict measures and guidelines aimed at containing the spread of Corona Virus aka Covid19.  Corona virus has hit the world hard and deep and due to its novelty and the uncertainties around it, over 165,000 people have died from it. The devastating effect of Covid-19 has resulted to worldwide shut down of daily routines and this has affected the economy of countries and threatened the survival of her citizens. Most communities are now on a lockdown with their citizens asked to stay indoors. This lockdown has greatly affected the lives of citizens and what they are mostly concerned is how will they survive during this period?

Due to the increase of cases, there are uncertainties around a timeline in which normalcy will be restored. Since movement is restricted, many are confused on what to do and how to survive this unwanted period. To pass time, sleeping, watching movies and social media have become the daily routine of many. Doing these routines daily can be boring, exhausting and annoying. To cope with this moment, there’s need to do something different and meaningful. What then can you do?

Do know you know that there will be a massive paradigm shift when Corona begins to subside. Since life now revolves around the Internet, there will be massive demand for individuals who are skilled in certain skills. In other words, while at home, you can learn an I.T related skill which can prepare you for various profitable opportunities. There will be demand for data analyst/scientist, software programmers, Graphics designers, digital marketers and a whole lot more.

According to Mason Cooley, ‘Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.’ Since there is lockdown and we are expected to stay at home, feeding the mind with knowledge is a great way to go through this period. Ralph Waldo Emerson espoused that ‘if we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.’ There are quite a lot of benefits attached to reading daily and its importance cannot to be over emphasized.

Since we are all expected to be at home, learning something new, a skill or new language, can help improve your CV. Learning a new language for example is an excellent addition to your professional competency. Since massive economic changes have been projected, there is need to prepare adequately for the unknown.

In conclusion, health is wealth, hence, the need for daily exercises even in our homes. Since movement is restricted, a daily routine of exercises need to be drafted. There are various exercise demos on the Internet that are easy to carry out. Even as we maintain a good hygiene and obey all guidelines aimed to curb the spread of the Virus, as individuals, we need to contribute our quota to ensure an end to covid19 is soon rather than later and that is by obeying guideline and directives from health authorities. “Stay safe, Take Responsibility”.



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