Judging culture by its popular definition it is not just the way of life. It is also a way of passing the norms and values which are encumbered by heritage of the people in a particular society to the coming generations. In other words, culture is meant to outlive generations.

Therefore, in a society where culture begins to fail, it signifies that there is transition from that culture to another or it has been mixed with another strange culture which automatically affects the norms and values of the people in that society because most times there is conflict between those in the cultural transition, that is, the one embracing the new ones and the one holding on to the inherited one.

One of the ways to find solution to this conflict is to take a look at the inherited culture and begin to sieve for the good ones and abolish the bad omen. To this end, I share with you the understanding and reminder of a particular culture in our country, Nigeria. The Kabba tribe.


The tribe is situated in Kogi state, one of the major tribe in that area. Despite the located area, this tribe is categorized as a Yoruba speaking tribe aside from the ones located in the five western states in Nigeria. Kabba consist of three major clans which is also known as ‘Kabba Oloke Meta’ as related to first settler of Kabba, the three brothers.

From the dining table of Kabba, the tribe has three major delicacies that is very peculiar to them which are:

Akara Papa: it is gotten from a grinded Guinea corn that is turned into a paste with water, shaped by hands and fried with palm oil.

Popolo: this meal looks like beans cake but fried with palm kernel oil.

Ajiere: it is boiled beans that is sieved then salted and fried with palm oil.

From all these, it is evident that Kabba people will love anything that comes from beans and palm oil. Other local delicacies are; Didin Kolo, Bobolo, Tankelekan, akara gbado among many others.

The official dialect of the Kabba people is ‘OWE’ meaning Proverb. From personal observation I discovered that their dialect which is a very deep Yoruba even deeper than that of Ekiti people, sounds like a deep Ijebu language. Not all Yoruba speakers can understand this dialect.

Obaro Odide is the traditional head in kabba assisted by other two heads chosen by him, Odolu and Otu. By hierarchy there are three major titles in Kabba. First is the IGEMO who is a chief, attached with a red small cap called Odi in kabba dialect. Second is the OROTA who wears long red cap to show superiority to the IGEMO, it is said that chiefs in this category are believed to have mundane power to communicate with spirits and the dead. Third is the OLOLU who is head of a town representing the Obaro, he bestows titles on the first and second category chiefs.

One thing peculiar about Kabba marriage style is the sending of a girl out of the house to relative’s home, becoming a foster family at a tender age, in order to be well trained for the future. Also, the newly married lady is meant to return back to the family after three months of marriage in order not to lose relationship with the family.

Aside many other festival, Kabba day is one of the major festivals of the tribe, which customarily brings home all kabba sons and daughter in diaspora just for the event.



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