Keep your hopes and dreams alive
Our loved government is for everyone
For here the weak easily can survive
In my country everything is an illusion!
We’re poor servants of the public
For your good shall we live and die
We’ll relent not, till all is well in our republic
In my country everything is a lie!
Religion adjudge our need for love
Trailing the turbulent groove of tribalism
Culture become past evident prove
In my country everything is nepotism!
Leaders playing us back and forth
All for power, money and fame
Beating us blue black solely for their mirth
In my country everything is a game!
We sing democracy aloud
But live in dire anarchy
With honesty left far behind
In my country everything is crazy!
Our hope is built on nothing less
Than the great giant of Africa we once were
Government woes, we soar in deep mess
In my country everything is severe!
Tomorrow is for the youth, leaders forever say
Masters of lies, who feast upon public’s sweat
Devouring tomorrow with thoughts only for today
In my country everything is deceit!
A land replete with abundant resources
But many wallow in abject lack
Where men tussle with no true cause
In my country everything is black!
Nonetheless, pledged in us is a mysterious clause
A resilient will that forever says “we’ll cope”
Bearing our arduous cross we keep on; for because,
In my country there’s always hope!
Happy Independence to All Nigerians!