Egusi soup is one of the types of soup that is diversified in Nigeria, that is, it varies in preparation from one region to another region. Egusi soup is eaten and accepted by virtually all tribes and ethnic groups in Nigeria. It is called egusi by nearly all the ethnic groups in Nigeria and thus making it one of the most popular soups in Nigeria.

Egusi otherwise known as Melon seed is planted during the rainy season and grows in a gourd and when matured the seeds are harvested, washed, and dried. After the seeds are dried, it is then broken gradually and the original melons are removed and sun-dried for days to make them stronger. The Melon seed is then ground into powdery form and stored in an airtight container until it is needed.

Let’s dive into the process of making the Nigerian Egusi soup;

  • Egusi seeds(grind with crayfish)
  • Beef, ponmo, stockfish, prawn, assorted
  • Palm oil
  • Pepper, tomatoes, onions
  • Vegetables (ugwu leaves, bitter leaves, or spinach)
  • Salt and seasoning cubes
  • Season your beef and intestines(assorted)and cook for 20mins, add your ponmo and cook for additional 10mins and set aside
  • Soak your stockfish with salty water for 30mins and boil for 10mins
  • Put your cooking pot on the burner and add a little palm oil, pour in your blended pepper, tomatoes, and onions and allow to fry for 5mins then add the blended egusi powder and fry until it forms small balls
  • Add your beef stock, ponmo, stockfish, beef, prawn and assorted into the already fried egusi and allow to cook for up to 10mins
  • Add your diced vegetables (ugwu or bitter leaf). Add salt and seasoning cubes to taste and cook for 3mins

Your Egusi soup is ready. Relishing Egusi soup at home or at events is a wonderful and tantalising experience in Nigeria. You can serve the egusi soup with white rice or any of the following ‘Swallows’(Eba, Fufu, Semovita, Amala, Wheat or Pounded Yam)


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