December and Nigerians

December 2017 is still fresh in the minds of so many for various reasons. Some might have ended that year on a high note, while others could have had a not too good ending. Reading this article means we alive to see another December which signifies the existence of hope and a drive to keep pushing. Happy new month folks. Irrespective of the challenges faced, we gradually move into a new year with diverse expectations. As a people, we wonder what befalls our nation in the coming year.

2019 is upon us but just like 2014, there’s tension in the land. The fear of the unknown is resident on the hearts of Nigerians as a result of the looming general election and the violence that often erupts both before and after election. This has been a recurring anomaly which keeps breaking the Nigerian spirit. So many migrate through various and sometimes life threatening routes so as to avoid unforeseen contingencies.

The time where vague promises will be made has come. The period where desperate individuals go all out for their agenda at all cost stares at us with fixed gaze. A season where politicians will begin to grade bad roads, construct boreholes, organize sporting competitions, visit market women and probably help with sales, pay long owed outstanding salaries and present themselves as fathers to the orphans and husbands to the widow is here again. This has been the trend for years yet we the masses allow ourselves to be fooled and bought by these shenanigans.


Its high time we started asking the right questions. What has our representatives done for over 3 years to warrant our vote? How have our lives been impacted over the period they’ve been in office? Should we continue to vote for party at the expense of right and viable candidate? Are we going to allow ourselves to be bought by unrealistic promises? These and many more questions should be asked.

Lastly, over the years, the masses have always suffered the desperation of our politicians. Nigerians have accepted the ethnic and religious path being encouraged by politicians. The truth is, there’s more happening in the closet that we do not know. Rather than engaging in hostilities for politicians, let’s protect our sanity and ensure democracy is upheld.

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